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Saskatoon Carpet Cleaners

Allergen Control

Carpet Allergen Treatments

Reducing the amount of allergens entering your home is a great first defense against symptoms. This can be done by ensuring windows are closed during high pollen times of the year and also by ensuring your homes furnace / air conditioning filters are changed frequently enough. HEPA filters are another great option for keeping the allergens down once they have entered your homes breathing air.  This first line of defense often is not enough to to effectively keep down the bothersome symptom-causing intruders to a manageable level. There are products on the market for this sort of treatment and home remedies are also available. One of the home remedies commonly shared on the web is the use of simple baking soda. Sprinkle it through your rugs, rub it in with a brush, let it soak for a few hours then vacuum it all up. This technique is surprisingly effective, but sad to say, may not be enough. The most effective method we've used in our experience is a quality name brand Allergen Carpet Control Cleaner. It removes up to 99.9% of mold and dust-mite allergens. When using this product after a quality steam treatment we have had extremely high satisfaction with our allergy sensitive clients. Give us a call today and we can discuss some options. 306-900-9903

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